Games & Missions
Every “Atama and Akachan if one of the ancestors is an Atama” can be defeated by a “Sentoki, Majutsu-Shi and Akachan if one of the ancestors is a Sentoki”, “Sentoki, Majutsu-Shi and Akachan if one of the ancestors is an Sentoki” are people who control the flow of Cursed Energy in their entire bodies, allowing them to use it as they please and also to reduce its release. High-ranking Sentoki, Majutsu-Shi, Akachan and Atama can refine this energy and use it to perform Cursed Techniques, which tend to be unique to the user or their family and Skin’s Colors. An advanced form of Cursed Technique is Domain Expansion, through which the user can use their Cursed Energy to build a pocket dimension that covers the surrounding area within which all attacks will be stronger. and Atama and Akachan if one of the ancestors is an Atama” will be used to earn $NOROI and “Sentoki, Majutsu-Shi and Akachan if one of the ancestors is an Sentoki” will be used to earn $JUMON, a very special tokens used for Auctions, WL Spots, and Merch in our Norowareta Uchu.
We are developing fun and engaging browser-based mission game that will allow your Characters to go on journeys for a day, five days, or even a week to hunt for other characters, Norowareta Dogu, $JUMON and $NOROI tokens. Those are essential for the Norowareta Uchu ecosystem in the long term
Get immersed in the Norowareta Uchu!
Battling systems amongst Stoned Frogs to hunt new $JUMON / $NOROI, Norowareta Dogu and other Characters (Sentoki, Majutsu-Shi, Akachan or Atama) .
Online Multiplayer
We'll be creating a Norowareta Dogu Defense game where you can play the following game modes:
3v3 Online Multiplayer—Gather your friends, form a team, and battle 3v3 online!
1v1 Online Multiplayer—Take on the Norowareta Uchu solo in a 1v1 battle online!
Battle Modes
When playing online multiplayer game modes, choose between 2 options:
Unranked Deathmatch—Climb your way to the top of the 3v3 or 1v1 unranked leaderboards in free-to-play battles.
Ranked Deathmatch—Think you're ready? Wager $JUMON / $NOROI and compete in 3v3 or 1v1 ranked leaderboard battles.
Tournaments with prizes will be held periodically! Remember to stay up-to-date with our Twitter and Discord for upcoming events.
More details coming soon!
In-Game Staking Mechanism and Gaming Mechanics
We will be creating a Train-to-Earn Game that will allow users to Train their characters and build new Norowareta Dogu or gain well-established Norowareta Dogu!
There will be additional in-game Norowareta Dogu for you to customize your characters and make it your own Norowareta Dogu.
More details coming soon!
Norowareta Uchu's Characters training details
Pay $JUMON / $NOROI to go on a training mode.
Pay $JUMON / $NOROI to erase the cooldown
75% Chance you build new Norowareta Dogu
25% To gain well-established Norowareta Dogu
10% Mission failed
Norowareta Uchu's Characters mission details
Pay $JUMON / $NOROI to go on a mission.
Pay $JUMON / $NOROI to erase the cooldown
70% Chance you will earn $JUMON / $NOROI
20% To hunt Norowareta Dogu
5% To hunt other Characters (Sentoki, Majutsu-Shi, Akachan or Atama)
15% Mission failed
Once you fail, you will have a 24hrs cooldown before you can go to a new mission / training
All $JUMON and $NOROI that will be used to pay for entering a mission, Success or Failed, will automatically be burned.
Last updated